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From now until July 20, get a chance to win 2 sets of round trip class tickets from Hong Kong to Osaka offered by Hong Kong Airlines and 2 Universal Studios Japan® 1-Day Studio Pass upon a net purchase of HK$800 at :CHOCOOLATE (4 quotas). To win the prize, join our game and come up with the most thoughtful answer to our question! Join now for a chance to visit the MINION PARK! 即日起至7月20日,凡於:CHOCOOLATE購物滿淨價港幣$800,即可參與有獎問答遊戲,最有心思嘅答案將有機會贏取香港航空雙人來回大阪經濟客位機票及日本環球影城®門券兩張(名額4個),去最新落成嘅MINION PARK同迷你兵團玩番轉!即刻填妥以下資料同回答問題啦! |