izzue 2017夏季男裝系列帶來「Street」和「Casual」兩大風格走向


izzue 2017夏季男裝系列帶來「Street」和「Casual」兩大風格走向

HK izzue 時尚服飾

izzue 2017夏季男裝系列帶來「Street」和「Casual」兩大風格走向-「Street」系列分別包含具搖滾精神的BLACK METAL主題、復古型格的EARTH TONES DENIM主題,以及具Night Runners的精神運動風Urban Adventure主題;而「Casual」系列則有現代街頭風的BLACK BROMANCE 主題和具休閒渡假特色的SUMMER RESORT主題。
系列多元化, 盡展你的多元性格!

izzue Menswear Summer 2017 collection divided into ‘Street’ and ‘Casual’ two main styles. In ‘Street’ collection, it contains three themes: BLACK METAL, EARTH TONES DENIM and Urban Adventure. In ‘Casual’ collection, it contains BLACK BROMANCE and SUMMER RESORT two themes to represent its leisure yet cozy feature. Discover more at izzue stores now!

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Grab the chance to win one set of FREE Hong Kong Airlines Vancouver flight tickets for two persons by joining the game at izzue today! Don’t miss out!
More details please refer to izzue shop staff.

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HK izzue

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